Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Economic meltdown in Zimbabwe

Apparently, the Zimbabwean government has now released new currency: instead of bank notes issued in increments of $10,000,000, they have decided to cut off all the zeroes. So, in this warped form of mathematics, that figure has now become $1. Hyperinflation, eat your heart out.

Robert Mugabe, who won unopposed in the last Presidential 'election,' has now begun reaching out to the opposition, as per the mediation of South Africa's President, although the talks are reportedly in a deadlock. Not surprising, once again.

The BBC's correspondent in the country, albeit by secret camera, has released this report, which I recommend readers watch. Food shopping will take on a whole new meaning after this.

Everything, however, in international affairs, has its origins. I would be interested in tracing the origins of this Mugabe phenomenon in greater depth. Perhaps a project for the future? We shall see.

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