Friday, August 29, 2008

No games, please: you're on trial!

Fresh from a short trip to Turkey and completing some unfinished business for grad school, I was -- as millions of others were too -- greeted with this ridiculous news of Radovan Karadzic's refusal to enter a plea in his trial. This exchange is worth quoting in full:

"As to count one of the indictment," the judge had begun. "You're charged with genocide... How do you plead, guilty or not guilty?"

"I will not plead, in line with my standpoint as regards this court," Mr Karadzic replied.

"I shall therefore enter a plea on your behalf of not guilty," the judge said.

"Is that the position you're going to take in relation to each of the other 10 charges on the indictment?"

"Absolutely, yes," Mr Karadzic confirmed.

As Judge Bonomy entered the not guilty pleas, the former Bosnian Serb leader asked: "May I hold you to your word?"

"Which word?" asked the judge.

"That I'm not guilty," replied Mr Karadzic.

"We shall see in due course, Mr Karadzic," the judge said."

Talk about nerve, this truly is ridiculous. Next thing that will happen is a further song-and-dance about nonexistent conspiracies, illegitimacy, propaganda and victimization by sheer circumstance. I wonder how Karadzic, and others like him, were able to hoodwink so many people for such a long period of time with baseless claims like this.

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