Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Salutations from Montenegro

One day to go before New Year's Eve, and I thought it befitting to post a mega-update on what has been going on since the end of November/beginning of December! For those not in the loop, I temporarily relocated to Podgorica, Montenegro, beginning on 1 December. It was an uneventful journey, but for the last leg of it, in which we literally flew through a thunderstorm. The turbulence was horrible: something the likes of which I have never experienced before.

I am working at an economic think-tank in the city, have a flat not far from the office, and am still getting myself into a routine -- but, being Montenegro, spontaneity is also the order of the day! My other main objective is to learn as much Serbo-Croatian as I can; I am about one-fourth through a course on the subject, and find myself getting ground down in grammatical rules, conjugations, and such. Perseverance, however, is the order of the day, and I will conquer this challenge.

It has been a little strange being away from home over the holidays, and keeping in regular touch with family and friends has reminded me of what I am missing at home -- and, of course, what I am not missing, particularly as it relates to the weather and endless snowstorms! Montenegro is much as I remember it from my last visit this past summer, though I am seeing additional details that I overlooked (or, more likely, blissfully did not see) before, especially some of the harsher aspects of life in the country and region, more broadly.

I will post more substantive details soon enough. For now, rest assured that I am around, and kicking. A happy New Year to all readers, and I look forward to 2009 -- challenges, fears and opportunities alike that it promises for us all.

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