Friday, March 21, 2008

Nearing the forty percent mark

Last night, I felt so burned out from events of this week, compounded by the grind of completing assignments, summer plans, et-cetera, that I vegetated before the screen with the original Twilight Zone series. I am nearing the end of the second season, and have seen the evolution of the series, episode by episode, up to now. When I have the time, I want to put something together about the series and its creator, whose portrait adorns this blog on the top-right corner. Taking a trip into the human mess called politics is akin to taking a trip into The Twilight Zone itself...

The Twilight Zone stands the test of time, and its influences seep into the here and now of film, television, stories and symbolism. It is a show that, as it did in the past, offers a twisting view through the imagination prism, of our world, and Everyman-like characters that stand out for not only their banality but their neighbourly-like qualities. Anyone can relate to them, because they are us, and we are them.

Call it, then, entertainment with a purpose; something that not only thrills and chills, but tells us something more about the cyclical and enduring nature of our human conditions. Mr. Serling's art will stand the test of time...for some time to come, I say.

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