Friday, April 4, 2008

Another day, another term

What makes the current electoral nightmare in Zimbabwe so intriguing, from the bystander's perspective, is the level of journalistic and analytical multiplicity. It is as if every outlet is saying something different, insinuating a bunch of scenarios and outcomes all at once, and turning the whole problem into one big mud puddle. So much for clarity and awareness.

What is known quite clearly, however, from all the coverage is that official results have still not been fully disclosed. Robert Mugabe's ZANU-PF party has stated that its membership backs its leader to the hilt, saying that they endorse a run-off vote, to take place in the coming days.

The Telegraph's David Blair, however, has written about what really is taking place behind the scenes: "I think the gameplan is pretty clear. The Election Commission is not releasing the results as and when they become available. Instead, it already knows the outcome of these elections. The aim is to manage their disclosure so as to head off popular unrest and prepare the ground for a Mugabe victory...So results showing Zanu-PF and the MDC will be dripped out, before Zanu-PF gradually nose ahead." It looks like the worst prognosis is coming true, and President Mugabe will be in office for yet another fraudulent term.

On that somber note, here is a little shameless advertising. In November 2002, I wrote about Mugabe and the predicament in Zimbabwe. The piece is entitled "The Politics of Self-Preservation." While a lot has happened since then, for the worse, I think that my arguments are still relevant and, quite frankly, have been underscored. The full text can be found here.

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