Tuesday, April 15, 2008

On the Hamas bandwagon

Slightly disturbing news can be found here, with the announcement that former US President Jimmy Carter has embraced Hamas leaders, both literally and figuratively, while touring the region on a latest "peace initiative" of his own. Ask yourselves: would you embrace the likes of these thugs pictured at left?

So Carter saith: "Since Syria and Hamas will have to be involved in a final peace agreement, they have to be involved in discussions that lead to final peace." Quite true...but only when the two actually become sincere and cease in their attitude that seeks nothing less than Israel's complete destruction.

Anyone can do a Google search for Hamas' constitution, which does not mention Israel even once. They can also seek out the blood-stained statements from Hamas leaders relating to their views of the only Jewish state, and the only concessions they would ever offer it. I recall that Ismail Haniyah told the German paper Der Spiegel that he would offer, at best, a fifty-year "truce" with Israel in exchange for recognition.

Yigal Palmor, Israel's Foreign Ministry spokesperson, declared that "One cannot wonder how this attitude is supposed to promote peace and understanding." He was talking about Mr. Carter. Quite so; the former US President's altruism could be served in much better ventures than this particular one.

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